We are responsible for the design and development of observational instruments, and the planning and implementation of their verification.
The System Design Group consists of three teams (Thermal and Mechanical Engineering, Optical Engineering, and Sensor Engineering) that support instrument development.

In FY 2021, the Design Unit for instrument development was reorganized into one group, enabling closer cooperation.
In particular, mechanical and optical design are inseparable in instrument development, and we were able to take the first step toward unified optomechanical design to handle these two areas.
Overview of the Teams

Thermal and Mechanical Engineering Team
The Thermal and Mechanical Engineering Team conducts the thermal and structural design of observational instruments from conceptual study to performance evaluation. Our strong point is knowledge and experience in developing instruments for a wide range of temperatures down to cryogenic temperatures. We develop various instruments to be deployed everywhere from the ground to space.

Optics Engineering Team
The Optics Engineering Team performs optical design using ray tracing and physical optical simulation; stray light and tolerance analysis; prototyping; optical metrology; and assembly. In addition to optical system development for various observational instruments deployed everywhere from the ground to space, we conduct research and development activities for future instruments. We also have various types of equipment for special deposition and for high-precision optical measurement.

Sensor Engineering Team
The Sensor Engineering Team designs, develops, manufactures, and maintains receivers specialized for unique antennas and telescopes. Sensor development requires the ability to deal with various technical fields such as electronics, mechanics, vacuum, and cryogenic temperatures. We contribute to the development of astronomy with our comprehensive technical capabilities based on our accumulated experience.
(as of 2022/10/1)
Name | Version | Developper | Category |
OpenModelica | 1.18 or later | Open Source Modelica Consortium | System modeling & simulation language |
CODE V | 2022.03 | Synopsys | Optical design software |
LightTools | 2022.03 | Synopsys | Illumination design software |
Zemax OpticStudio | 22.2.1 (Premium) | Ansys | Optical design software |
SigFit | 2020R1i | Sigmadyne | Optomechanical analysis software |
SolidWorks | 2020 | Dassault Systems | 3D CAD software |
Inventor | 2015 | Autodesk | 3D CAD software |
NX | 12 | Siemens | CAE software |
Matlab | R2022a | MathWorks | Numeric computing environment |
Measuring Instruments
(as of 2022/10/1)
Name | Type | Manufacturer | Category |
AccuFiz | E100S | 4D technology | Fizeau interferometer (4 inch) |
6-Axis Hexapod | H850.H2 | PI | Hexapods for high-load positioning up to 250 kg |
TriAngle UltraSpec | TA US 300-57 | TRIOPTICS | Electronic autocollimator for precise angle measurement |
Laser displacement sensor | LK-H085 + LK-G5000V | Keyence | Displacement sensor |